lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2022

Spot Battles of Faith [Short]

 The final conflict has come. For more information, go to Script spot Battles of Faith Bolivia 2022 Battles of Faith is back! Pandemics, wars and rumors of greater wars, hunger and catastrophes are being unleashed in front of us… Is the end near? Battles of Faith Bolivia is back. With David Gates, Christopher Hudson, Michael Jenny, and from South Africa, Walter Veith. From September 29 to October 8, on Red ADvenir Internacional. For more information, go to Battles of Faith, the final conflict has come. Transmission by: David Gates: “Every educated person, every person who thinks, who analyzes, who studies the evidence, knows that the world is changing, knows that the world is undergoing such radical change, that in a little while a great storm is going to break over the world; orchestrated, made by men, made by women… in order to create a situation in the world that is going to leave people in economic distress so that conscience can be controlled... Soon peace, order, prosperity and comforts are going to disappear… Thank God, we can still buy and sell. Thank God, we still have freedom to travel. Thank God, we still have some peace in our countries, but the countries are desperate to enter the final war.” Joe Biden: "If they move once, grant it, if we respond, it is World War III..." Walter Veith: “Prophecy has been unfolding before our very eyes. I cannot recall, in my life, a situation where all the parameters flowed together in such a fashion that it seemed as if the world was following a Biblical script. For the first time, in my life, we have a universal situation, where every single country in the world is subject to the same situation. We have seen the introduction of lockdowns, we have seen the introductions of rules and regulations. We have seen the introduction of mechanisms to control buying and selling… and prophecy is just jumping out of the pages into our face. Matthew 24 is being followed to the letter. They are talks about Sunday becoming a day of rest for the sake of the environment… We are on the very verge of the Fulfillment of Prophecy. And then the mechanisms are being put into place, using the health issue, to implement the buying and selling. If you do not go in accordance with what their wishes are, you will not be able to be economically active…”

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